Thursday, September 02, 2004

So Flippin' Tired

We stayed up too late last night. Troy wanted to call his brother & tell him happy birthday, but he forgot until about 10pm or so & then he wasn't there & he talked to his SIL for awhile, then called his brother & they talked awhile, too. It was after 11 when we got to bed, which is late when you get up at 6. All I want to do today is sleep. And eat. I'm not going to do either one. It'll probablt be another late night tonight, we're expecting company & aren't sure when they'll be getting in.. I may take a nap after all. *now this evening I have a sick headache. :( I so don't want to be sdick, but I think a cold is coming on, I've been sneezing all day & I rarely do that unless I'm sick.

Today's Menu

Raisin Bran: 2.5 points
Soy Milk: 2.5 points

Frozen Grapes: 1 point

Salad with Chicken & Cheese: 7.5 points

Plums: 2 points

Pasta Bake (Homemade): 12 points

Popcorn: 3 points
Total Points: 28.5

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